Why You Should be a Mean Girl

Mia Hayes
4 min readOct 9, 2022

Nice girls, it’s time to get in line behind me

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels

“You’re very direct for a woman,” the man said. We’d been discussing plans for my next book launch and when it comes to business matters, I am matter-of-fact.

I tilted my head and met his gaze. “Really? Would you rather we waste time talking in circles until you accurately guessed what I wanted?”

He furrowed his brow. “No,” he sputtered. “It’s just that — ”

“I’m not nice.”


As a girl, I learned the smile-even-though-I’m-dying-inside game. As a teenager, my deferential nature rewarded me with popularity. As a young woman in the male-dominated tech industry, I learned men thought women who pushed back were shrill and difficult, and I didn’t want that label. I wanted to be nice. I wanted to be the woman that my co-workers felt comfortable around.

My life goal was to make other people like me. I bent and twisted, trying to shape myself into what those around me found pleasing. I gave middle-of-the road, unoffensive opinions and formed my personality around whoever I was with.

I was considered ‘a very sweet and nice young woman.’

But being nice made me stressed. Being nice meant people took advantage of me. Being nice kept me from going after…



Mia Hayes

40-something trying to live several lifetimes at once. Stay-at-home author, mom, and wife.